Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Two Little Girls, and a Bucyrus Ohio Connection

My Grandpa (Carl Emerson) Wood's mother, Ella Eckard, was Pennsylvania Dutch.  Her family reaches back to Germany and lived in Pennsylvania Dutch colonies in Lycoming, PA later in Marion County and Bucyrus Ohio.  As an adult she moved with her brother George and sister Emma to Dawson Nebraska where there was a Pennsylvania Dutch colony and family including their brother John.  This part of our family were Dunkards.

I am a member of the Pennsylvania Colony Historical Society of Nebraska as well as the Blooming Grove Historical Society.  They are a wealth of information if you have ancestors who were Pennsylvania Dutch.  Highly recommended. 

This photo of two little girls was taken by Peterman, Union Block in Bucyrus Ohio. There is nothing on the back of the photo to indicate who the girls are and there are no other photos taken by Perterman, although I do have several other photos taken in the Bucyrus area. Lovely little girls--does anyone recognize them?

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